
Tesla Cybertruck video leak gives us best look yet — and highlights design flaws

Tesla Cybertruck video leak gives us best look still — and highlights pattern flaws

New tesla Cybertruck owner's forum
(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Owner's Club)

Earlier this calendar week we saw some leaked images of a Tesla Cybertruck prototype, giving us a clear look at the latest iteration of the all-electric truck. Now an even bigger leak has happened, with walkaround video showcasing the truck from about every bending.

The video looks to be in the same location as the leaked images, likely the Texas Gigafactory near Austin, where Tesla is planning on building the Cybertruck. It's non clear who the people filming this video are, but they certainly seem to have a lot of opinions about the Cybertruck.

Unfortunately the video has no sound, so we have to take the included subtitles at face value. If accurate, it has what I presume are either Tesla employees or contractors critiquing diverse aspects of the Cybertruck. Aspects like the lack of door handles, and the behemothic windshield wiper that has been subject field to then much scorn already.

Nevertheless, the earlier leak had some people speculating that the wiper could exist extendable, to assist comprehend the unabridged windshield. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has also said that the gargantuan wiper is non the last pattern. This is, after all, still a epitome machine that won't be heading into production for another year, according to rumors.

tesla cybertruck leaked video screenshots

(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Owner's Guild)

Information technology seems the two stars of the video can't effigy out how to open up the door, though, because at that place's no visible style to get inside. Merely one of the two does mention the fact that Cybertruck can use its array of external cameras to find when people are approaching — something that visibly causes the headlights to switch on past themselves.

Those cameras volition too exist used for Autopilot, assuming the system works the aforementioned way as the Tesla Model 3. They announced to be in the same place, which hints at their dual purpose.

tesla cybertruck leaked video screenshots

(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Possessor's Club)

Musk previously claimed he wanted the doors to open up automatically when the driver approaches — much similar the very first Model 10. This doesn't seem to happen in the video, with the cameraman'due south companion mentioning a sensor that responds to the Tesla app or the black fundamental card each modern Tesla comes with.

Presumably considering the ii stars of the video didn't have a cardinal, they wouldn't exist able to become inside no affair what they did.

tesla cybertruck leaked video screenshots

(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Possessor'south Lodge)

Also on display is the Cybertruck'south rear bed. The cameraman's companion mentions a characteristic that allows the automobile to lower its rear pause and allow users to use that bed as a ramp for a "iv wheeler."

tesla cybertruck with retractable ramp and cyberquad atv

(Prototype credit: Tesla)

That's something Tesla has teased in the past in relation to the still-unreleased Cyberquad ATV. Though official images show an actual retracting ramp rather than suspension trickery.

It's hard to gauge scale in this video, so it'southward unclear how the size of this Cybertruck compares to the i on stage when the truck was announced. In the by information technology'southward been suggested that the production model could shrink by 3%, but more recently Musk announced that the truck wouldn't be shrinking for production.

tesla cybertruck leaked video screenshots

(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Possessor's Club)

Obviously even shrinking the truck by merely 3% smaller would brand it "too small-scale." In that location'south notwithstanding been no discussion on the rumored smaller Cybertruck, and this video does nothing to confirm or deny its existence.

This is even so a prototype truck, and that means things can (and likely will) alter betwixt now and when Cybertruck production begins— whenever that may be. We're just going to have to look and encounter what they might be.

Tom is the Tom'southward Guide's Automotive Editor, which ways he tin usually be establish knee deep in stats the latest and best electric cars, or checking out some sort of driving gadget. Information technology's long way from his days as editor of Gizmodo United kingdom, when pretty much everything was on the table. He's ordinarily found trying to clasp another giant Lego fix onto the shelf, draining very large cups of coffee, or complaining that Ikea won't allow him buy the stuff he really needs online.


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